Thursday, November 3, 2011

THURSDAY--Another Edition of--

A flip of the fedora to Jimmy Cannon


1)  Recording has really evolved---from shouting into a horn to 78s/LPs/ CDs/ MP3 Downloads and allowing artists to “mail” their segments in and let the engineers create the final product.  The final product was better as a recording than a single song download we now get with no thematic thread. 

2)   99 cents for a song (download)---you used to get a 78 rpm record for that price.  I guess the circle goes around---though that had 2 songs and you could use your steel tipped needle to listen and destroy it.\

3) “Folksbiene”---the National Yiddish Theater has some wonderful presentations planned.  Stay tuned to Sunday Simcha to find out about them----you do not want to miss them

4)  Wouldn’t it be best if people could sympathize with your serious problems rather than saying that things could be worse.  They could be but they are what they are.   On the brighter side one should also consider one’s good fortune when a disaster strikes (storms, illness, etc;) and one’s damage and/or pain is minimal.  

5) From tiny acorns mighty Oaks grow and then the get hit with an out of season snowstorm and crash.

6)  November 9th is the sad anniversary of Krystalnacht and Sunday Simcha & Traditions have commemorated this sad event over the years.  Due to the unseasonal weather problems that will not be the case this year but the event will be in my mind and I hope you, as well, will reflect on it.


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