Wednesday, January 10, 2007


A few updates and highlights for the various programs:

TABLETALK: As you know if you have read the blogs Daniel Silva will be on Jan. 14. On Jan 21 the picture on the left explains it. Lee Sandstead, master photographer, lecturer, and art historian is my guest. He has taken pictures in the great museums of this world in addition to portraits, outdoor (landscape) photos, and events. The photo on the left is one he took at the Cincinnatti Museum of Fine Arts. He has been at the Metropolitan in NYC and all the great ones around the world.

You will learn much from his enthusiastic and knowledgeable presentation of photography, cameras, and ideas for photos. His website is

TRADITIONS: Erik Balkey is my guest on January 14. He will be opening for David Buskin ---a grand old friend and man of many facets--in a Jersey City performance. In addition--David may stop by--but if not he wants you all to know that Robin Bateau will probably also be on the bill that evening. Erik will tell us more on Sunday. And David will as well---if his color is good, he feels good, and the mood strikes him properly. Being a denizon of NYC he has trouble leaving his home turf. We must always understand and sympathize with Upper West Siders. Home is not only where the heart is but, also, where, the rent check goes.

SUNDAY SIMCHA: January 21 I am delighted to have Lori Nevias as my guest---and her family. Great stories and wonderful music. In addition---some great material from the Jewish Music Group. Our visit to Comedy Corner will be a real surprise---I guarantee offense to all via Don Rickles and other artists on the album--It Sounds Kosher to Me.

We shall also listen to some of Lenny---you know---Leonard Bernstein. We were on a first name basis if you did not know. I called him Lenny and he never called me.

Bottom Line--and it really is---hope you tune in to the eclectic weekend sound of WFDU. The right place on the left side of the dial.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

As I said, from time to time I would like to make mention of some artists that I truly think should be of great interest.
This is Modern Man (Formerly The Testostertones---but that is another story) with me and David Busikin's daughter a while back at the Turning Point in Piermont, NY.
They have 3 CDs out now. To see them in person is even better and more sidesplitting. Then, of course, you can get a CD and take them home.
It has to be said that to be a great satirist(s) which they are you also have to be the compleat artist that can do all the genres. They can and they do.
From Surfin' ( with a bad bladder) to Internet Dating , Animal Husbandry (their version), and Runny Eggs in NJ to some straight pop songs---they do it all. The best part is that if you see them live you will have trouble driving home because of your constant laughter. Try to control youself a bit and do not miss this group when they are in your area
I am happy that they have graced the Traditions programs a few times and--thankfully---David Buskin did tell me --..." you got good color today boy"
The group consists of David Buskin, Rob Carlson, and George Wurzbach. Not in that or any kind of order--for sure.
Their website:
Check that out to see if they will be in your area---and take some medication before you see them to control your blood pressure from laughter.

Updated Playlist Information

Knowing that many like to see the playlists I think I have made it easier to do now. Merely go to the right of the screen---click on the link that is described there and you will go to a much easier way to read them. They will be posted each week.

Let me remind all that we will be doing a commemoration of Martin Luther King Day on Traditions this Sunday---Jan. 14. In addition my guest will be Erik Balkey.

On Sunday Simcha we have some really interesting new material for you and also a visit by Laurie Nieves and some live music in the old studio. Actually I believe that we are older than the studio---thanks to your help.

Sunday, January 7, 2007


You will notice that the playlist for Sunday Simcha appears on the right hand bar. For easier viewing I shall post them in this format starting next week--both for Traditions and Sunday Simcha.
The picture on the left is of Eric Bibb. We honored some requests today to play from his new CD---a wonderful tribute to Paul Robeson that he did with his father Leon Bibb.
Now for a few more updates on the various programs:
TRADITIONS: On January 14 I will be welcoming Erik Balkey as my guest for some live music and also to talk about an upcoming appearance in Jersey City with the multi-faceted David Buskin. In addition, Martin Luther King Day will certainly me commemorated in song and in speech. Some quite rare.
SUNDAY SIMCHA: A potpourri of music and a request for your opinion on one piece that will be played. The question will be what you think of this style of music---an "updating" of traditional Jewish music.
The other 2 pieces of news are that I am delighted to be able to welcome Laurie Nieves to the program on January 21 for some of her original compositions done live in the studio. Then at Passover time---looking ahead now--we will be having Rabbi Jonathon Kligler and Kim and Reggie Harris in the studio to talk about the common bond we all share historically and have music from their Passover CD.
TABLETALK: The award winning author, Daniel Silva, is my guest on the January 14 program.