Thursday, March 15, 2012

St Patricks Day is coming. and you will not hear this on TRADITIONS

Well, it is Thursday and Nobody Asked Me But  ---I do have to tell you of our upcoming holiday where we all are Irish---and,  dialect time---are a wearin' o the green.   My thanks to David Buskin, Rob Carlson and Geo.  Wurzbach---aka Modern Man for allowing me to put this out there for you afficianodos of great taste in music and humor----known as Modern Man but, perhaps, more importantly., as equal opportunity skewers of all people and all ethnic groups I thank them for allowing me to present----taa raa---one of their masterpieces---God Bless The Irish---and do not be concerned about the blank screen near the end----it was only supposed to be audio and not video.  No one seems to want audio anymore---this was recorded at the Bottom Line back in 1999.  Back in 1999---who would have thought that was "the good old days"