Since I will be sharing this on Facebook let me start by saying that Sloan Kettering Hospital spends dollars in advertising on Facebook to present their alleged "good side" and interject themselves into your time on Facebook. I do give them credit for having a paid staff that checks on any responses to their that disagree with any differing opinion(s). That may well be good PR and has nothing to do with medicine and the practices at SK.
I know that personal experience has a lot to do with encounters with medical facilities and mine with SK were horrendous----a non caring and arrogant facility. Forget the details of arrogant. I had written elsewhere about having my late wife (it was her decision---and she was in the med. field) transferred to Westchester Cty Med Ctr and be cared for by a truly caring and brilliant MD. (His name--Augustine Moscatello) and to this day we are still in touch)
SO---to bring it to the current time. Having some medical issues of my own I am delighted to report that there is a hospital and the med. practices contained within it that I find the most efficient and, unlike SK,will spend time with a patient to get to the problem----and---show a lot of empathy. OH--I did not mention--WINTHROP HOSPITAL in Nassau County. Unlike SK this is not a paid promotion. It is an honest endorsement for quality and caring
As to the Miscellany that was in the header----let's keep it short since the medical issue(s) are what I wanted to focus on BUT---I have had some computer issues with posting the playlists for SUNDAY SIMCHA & TRADITIONS on certain sites. In keeping with "M" I guess you might say thatg some had memorable moments. You can, if you are a listener check them here onthe blog where they do appear.
Any ideas how to reslve that issue are welcome.