Tuesday, January 9, 2007

As I said, from time to time I would like to make mention of some artists that I truly think should be of great interest.
This is Modern Man (Formerly The Testostertones---but that is another story) with me and David Busikin's daughter a while back at the Turning Point in Piermont, NY.
They have 3 CDs out now. To see them in person is even better and more sidesplitting. Then, of course, you can get a CD and take them home.
It has to be said that to be a great satirist(s) which they are you also have to be the compleat artist that can do all the genres. They can and they do.
From Surfin' ( with a bad bladder) to Internet Dating , Animal Husbandry (their version), and Runny Eggs in NJ to some straight pop songs---they do it all. The best part is that if you see them live you will have trouble driving home because of your constant laughter. Try to control youself a bit and do not miss this group when they are in your area
I am happy that they have graced the Traditions programs a few times and--thankfully---David Buskin did tell me --..." you got good color today boy"
The group consists of David Buskin, Rob Carlson, and George Wurzbach. Not in that or any kind of order--for sure.
Their website:
Check that out to see if they will be in your area---and take some medication before you see them to control your blood pressure from laughter.

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