Monday, December 7, 2009


The news is that this past weekend proved to be exactly as I expected. That would be being a member of an admiring audience to some great artists. Saturday evening was spent in what has to be a "folkie" heaven. The Hurdy Gurdy Folk Music Club is located, now, in a truly posh place in Fairlawn NJ that befits super stars and the artists appearing there should be in that category. But, what's in a name anyway---Folk and Superstar never seem to be in the same sentence===save for a very few exceptions (I can think of only 2 and Dylan is not one). The evening's superstars were Buskin & Batteau ably opened for by the newcomer Kelly MacKenzie. You can see them on The Almost Daily Rooster Page. How much easier can I make it?

In fact, if you click or clicked over there you will find another surprise which is explained there.

Sunday the Orangeburg Library presented Gathering Time and a truly yeoman like performance was presented by this greatly talented ensemble. An afternoon of music totally tailored for the audience. Shades of classic rock, touch of traditional, and their own compositions to touch the audience where it counts. I guess that would be their hearts---given the age of the audience I think that was a total risk. Joking aside---they were loved and surely know how to reach varied audiences. Their LI appearances for Harry Chapin Night and for Classic Rock night were light years away from this program.

More news can be found on The Almost Daily Rooster if you click over to it. If not---well, you missed a few things that may well not be of interest to you at all.

TRADITIONS: This coming Sunday (Dec. 13) we have one great story song set prepared along with a person--again, check the other page, that I had the pleasure of meeting after the Gathering Time Concert. He could be in the story song section but will be with some artists you have heard earlier in the year---think Calypso. Don't think the boat of Cousteau---and also don't sink the boat of Cousteau. Some satirical holiday music is in store since all the other material is in stores. Which this time of year is all about in this era---it seems. Ah, for the joys of the simpler days---or, maybe, it was just my childish simple mind.

SUNDAY SIMCHA: Sunday (Dec. 13) our Channukah Party ---spell it any way you like and always recall that, besides the miracle of the oil, how it is a minor holiday only meant to compete with the commercialism of the season. Kwanzaa is included in that. Actually, Mel Brooks captures it in his 2000 Year Old Man sketch which you will hear on the program. We shall, this Sunday, play the material so loved by all and leave Comedy Corner for the proper commentary. I will just add---Joyous Chanukah and keep those Jones' not that many steps ahead on your trek (or is it drek?) to Wal Mart, K Mart, Any Mart for just the right piece of material to spoil the little ones.
One last thought about the miracle of the oil. If only that happened to me---fill my gas tank and it lasts more than 8 days with just a few drops. The oil companies would zilch the formula for sure.

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