Friday, November 6, 2009

Some Other Things You Might Find On This "Blog".

This site is predominantly for the 2 programs I host---TRADITIONS & SUNDAY SIMCHA . More about them in a moment. Right now I would like you to click over to the link on the right side for The Almost Daily Rooster---or better yet just click HERE. The subject is comedy which is something dear to my heart when it makes a point and what you will see there does. Read more about it there and if you want more commentary on that subject let me know on that site.

NOW--TRADITIONS --You have heard Richard Berman many times on the program and we shall finally have him live in the studio---in just a very few weeks. Stay tuned to find out when. Other great guets coming---including Elaine Newport of The Capitol Steps---after all does folk not spoof and report current events. She and her group are brilliant.
SUNDAY SIMCHA -- Cannot be left out in the cold since we have some wonderful new CDs that arrived and also, shortly, and honest review of Theo Bikel's latest presentation.

NOW---back to comedy---you know where.

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