Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Technical Update

Due to some problems with GOOGLE the videos I had hoped to put up for you of Buskin and Batteau and also of Modern Man seem to always show some true inane videos. Once the tech problems are resolved I shall restore video to the page.

Given the vast following I can only apologize and hope you don't switch over to The Huffington Post. Amazing, is it not?

You ask what---why are people now glued to computers and read that as opposed to newspapers? Their prices, I grant you, have come a long way from 25 cents and let advertising pay the freight. Imagine; The New York Times is $5.00 for the weekend paper at the newstand and as far as the NY Post is concerned it has become quite expenseive to wrap the fish we caught on the lake today.

If you did not ask that--well , then, I have answered an un-asked question. On Jeopardy it would have worked for a statement like-- "Newspapers on the Internet are replacing these in a suicidal plunge". Answer: What are Print Newspapers?

Speaking of Jeopardy. A few days back there were 3 contstants aged, I believe, approx. 20s to 40s in age and the question came up (well, since it is Jeopardy--the answer) --paraphrase here "...Oscar Brand has been playing a certain genre of music that was later popularized by The Weavers". Not one person got the answer. Must be a generational thing--though they were not that young.

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